Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Turn On the Lights" -- Sanctus Real

I heard this song for the first time after working my last TEC. It was quite God-incidental; I felt like this song encompasses what TEC tries to teach as a ministry. This song is about burning bright with that light of Christ so that future generations understand the love and glory of the Lord that we've been able to experience. The lyrics are great and all, but it sounds incredibly passionate when you listen to it (so please do). There are also a couple verses that come to mind; John 11:9b-10 says, "A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light."

We're sending out a message to the future
That words could not communicate
Don't think it's something that's electric
Just 'cause we're using the radio waves

We're turning on the lights
Down through the halls of time
Flip on the switch, illuminate the future
Send a shock through the power lines

Turn it up so everyone hears it
Transmit the signal to the world
You've got to listen for what you're missing
'Cause it's going to change your life

We're turning on the lights
Down through the halls of time
Flip on the switch, illuminate the future
Send a shock through the power lines
Flip on the switch, illuminate the future

I want to see the lights illuminate the night
Our endless hearts burning like the stars
Lights to the world arise

We're turning on the lights
Down through the halls of time
Flip on the switch, illuminate the future
Send a shock through the power lines

(Flip on the switch, illuminate the future)
Lights of the world arise
Flip on the switch, illuminate the future